South Carolina Emergency
Response Task Force
Protect. Prevent. Train. Respond.

Welcome to the SC Emergency Response Task Force page. Here, you will find information on what makes up the SC Emergency Response Task Force and the duties assigned. The SC Emergency Response Task Force is made up of the following:
Firefighter Mobilization
A statewide mutual aid program that is able to move resources across the state for any emergency need. This may be a need for fire resources, rescue, hazmat, or any other specialty need.
The SC US&R System
The SC US&R system is made up of the following teams:
- SC Task Force 1 (hosted by State Fire- Type I US&R Team)
- SC Task Force 2 (hosted by the City of Myrtle Beach FD - Type IV US&R Team)
- SC Task Force 3 (hosted by the City of Charleston FD - Type IV US&R Team)
- SC Task Force 4 (hosted by the Hilton Head Island Fire Rescue Department - Type IV US&R Team)
- SC Task Force 5 (hosted by the City of Columbia FD - Type IV US&R Team)
- SC Task Force 6 (hosted by the City of Greenville FD - Type IV US&R Team)
- The Palmetto Incident Support Team (hosted by State Fire)
The SC Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team
A program that partners with the SC Army National Guard, utilizing the UH-60 and LUH-72 Platform. This is a partnership between SC-TF1 rescue team members and the pilots and crew chiefs from the guard. The program has over 100 rescues to its name and enjoys a rich history of training and response.
We have over 200 men and women that make up these amazing teams and stand ready to serve at a moment's notice. No matter if the need is in South Carolina or in another state, we stand ready to respond. With 20 years of service and training, these teams carry a level of professionalism like no other and maintain an expert level of training and knowledge.
Our Headquarters is located at State Fire in the back of the campus (building 22) and we welcome you to visit anytime.
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you for visiting our page.
Respectfully, Chief Beam