Fire Fatalities
Since 1986, the State Fire Marshal’s Office has collected various statistics related to fire fatalities in South Carolina. These statistics are analyzed to assess the total number of fire deaths by county, the causes of these deaths, as well as smoke alarm statuses, types of structures involved in the fire, and the ages of deceased. In an effort to streamline information gathering and sharing, you can view monthly and yearly fire fatality statistics below.
Data contained in these reports or on this site is collected, compiled, and reported for research and educational purposes only. The contents of any report or data herein are not intended to be used as a definitive conclusion related to a fire's origin and cause or a decedent's manner of death. Therefore, data contained in these reports or on this site does not replace nor supersede investigative reports for origin and cause or manner of death.
To report a fire related fatality, please contact the Division of Fire and Life Safety Duty Chief: